The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16

My sister Deana is in the hospital with covid and she’s on a ventilator

Robin | January 11, 2022

For Larry’s ENT appointment on Thursday

Marie | January 11, 2022

My customer Linda’s family has covid

Marie | January 7, 2022

Joyce’s daughter Patricia has some issues with her lungs, and are awaiting test results. They fear it might be cancer.

Joyce | January 7, 2022

Bruce’s family and friends as Bruce recently passed away

January 6, 2022

The Lewis family as Dan’s father passed away

January 5, 2022

The Dunn family as their brother in law passed away

January 5, 2022

Disciple series

January 5, 2022

Ronny Arias, missionary’s son in the Air Force, has covid and is hospitalized

Pastor | January 5, 2022

Starting Point Class this Sunday night – for new members to be added

January 5, 2021

Reopening of church this coming Sunday, January 9

January 5, 2022

Covid case spike in the Northeast

January 5, 2022

My customer Paula is very sick with covid

Marie | January 5, 2021

Praise: Mr. Grey is out of the ICU!

Crystal | January 4, 2022

The Marcado family is sick with covid

Joyce | January 1, 2022

Levi is 7yrs. and is dealing with weight loss, fatigue, nausea. They are having trouble finding the right doctor.

Marie | December 31, 2021

I have been sick with Covid and am still recovering. Also pray for my daughter Carla that she might find the Lord. 

Glenn | December 30, 2021

I have heart problems and am getting tests done; please pray the Lord would heal me

Jess | December 28, 2021

Mr. Grey has diabetes and had one leg amputated last year. He had a stroke and now sepsis. Right now he is in ICU critical.

Crystal | December 27, 2021

Lois is sick with covid

Lois | December 26, 2021

Gina Cesario is having tests on her gallbladder. Praise the Lord for no significant changes on the tests on her heart.

Marie | December 24, 2021

My mom has been hospitalized with COVID and her condition is getting worse by the day

Tom | December 21, 2021

I am going for a CT Scan of my kidneys on Wednesday, and am praying for normal results

Jackie | December 20, 2021

Don Lewis in the ICU with covid related pneumonia

Dan | December 20, 2021

Praise: Kristan & the baby both came through the C-section fine. Pray for a full recovery from Covid and that the baby does not contract it.

Lois | December 18, 2021

Barbara, Judi’s mom, has issues with her foot

Glenn | December 17, 2021

Rich is in the hospital, possibly with pneumonia due to covid 

Dan | December 17, 2021

My daughter Kristan has COVID, and is going in to have a C-Section on Friday. Please pray for her and the baby. 

Lois | December 16, 2021

I have covid, and I am getting an antibody infusion soon

Summer | December 16, 2021

For my daughter’s addictions and depression

Parker | December 16, 2021

For me and my fiancé to afford our wedding, and that I can get another job

Makenzie | December 15, 2021

Dolores is in the hospital with a blood infection

December 15, 2021

Charlene has hand surgery on Thursday

December 13, 2021

Brenda has eye surgery on Tuesday

December 13, 2021

Gina has an appointment this afternoon to get results from her CAT scan and ultrasound on her heart

Larry | December 13, 2021

Praise: My brother, Nathaniel, accepted the Lord as his Savior at a prayer meeting last night!

Rachel | December 13, 2021

My sister in law is pregnant and tested positive for covid

Megan | December 11, 2021

My son Nathan and Jacki are having their C-section Monday (12/13), please be in prayer for them and baby Georgia!

Melissa | December 9, 2021

For Zoey and I as we recover from covid

Melissa | December 9, 2021

Cathy Laporte is in the hospital with covid

December 8, 2021

My family and I all have covid. Please pray for protection for our newborn baby.

Sasha | December 7, 2021

Our missionary Pam Noland has esophagus cancer that has spread to her liver

December 5, 2021

For my cousin Chris

Greg | December 5, 2021

My husband Normand is in the hospital with a kidney stone and has tested positive for covid

Cathy | December 4, 2021

Praise: My foot is done healing and my walking boot was removed!

Carol | December 3, 2021

My mom is very weak, and is going in for antibody treatment

Annmarie | December 1, 2021

For the pain in my left hip, and for physical therapy starting tomorrow

Carol | December 1, 2021

My sister Bianca is sick and has low iron

Summer | December 1, 2021

My uncle Chris is in the ICU with liver problems

Summer | December 1, 2021

My grandpa Bruce is on a heart monitor with ongoing heart problems

Summer | December 1, 2021

For finances, and for sleep at night

Crystal | November 30, 2021

My good friend Carol lost her husband suddenly on Saturday

Marie | November 29, 2021

For those around the world struggling with covid

Matt | November 28, 2021

For Larry’s appointment on Thursday  with a new sinus specialist

Marie | November 28, 2021

My mom, Ann, and sister, Christine, are sick with covid

Annmarie | November 27, 2021

A patient’s salvation and growth at a rehab facility

Bill | November 26, 2021

For Hopkins family as they grieve the passing of Nancy

November 24, 2021

Pastor’s Father, Alonso, has open heart surgery Wednesday morning

November 24, 2021

Leslie Souza went to heaven today

Pastor | November 23, 2021

Alex Martinez’s mother passed away

Pastor | November 23, 2021

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9am Servicio en Español

9:30am Deaf Growth Group

11am Worship Service*

6pm Growth Groups
(not live-streamed)

6pm GRISM Bible Study

6pm GRIBT Kids AWANA Clubs


7pm Midweek Prayer Service*

*Services interpreted for the deaf




One of our goals as a church is to help you understand and apply God’s Word to your personal life.  We know that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out!  Weekly messages are posted online so you can watch and listen again and share with a friend.  Enjoy!