The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16

Praise: Gina’s operation this morning went very well! 

Marie | September 7, 2022

For my son Robert and his unspoken request

Terri | September 5, 2022

My son Joshua has spinal problems that causes severe, and for my daughters to immigrate soon

Madhavi | September 4, 2022

Shelly broke her femur bone and is awaiting surgery

Marie | September 3, 2022

Please pray I can recover the items that were stolen from my family

Theo | September 2, 2022

Gina is having surgery on Wednesday (7th) to remove wires on her sternum from previous heart surgery

Marie | September 2, 2022

My brother’s wife and children need salvation

Hepsiba | August 31, 2022

I have been dealing with sciatica and leg pain for weeks. Please pray for this intense pain.

Carol | August 28, 2022

Please pray my entire family would come to know Jesus!

NL | August 27, 2022

Gina has a sternum X-ray Aug. 26

Marie | August 24, 2022

Please pray for a young police officer Seara, she was shot and has been in a coma for 13 days

Linda | August 18, 2022

For my dad as he is struggling emotionally and physically in the hospital

Annmarie | August 24, 2022

Praise God that Jen’s problem was diagnosed and is under treatment!

Marie | August 19, 2022

My husband’s mother passed away today. Please pray for the family during this difficult time.

Melissa | August 18, 2022

For Gianna’s echocardiogram on Monday, and Christian Cesario’s heart appointment and echocardiogram Sept. 9

Marie | August 17, 2022

My husband Eric is in need of salvation. Pray for God to soften his heart!

April | August 17, 2022

Pray for David and his health issues

August 13, 2022

Praying that the Lord grants me a full recovery from covid

Sabrina | August 12, 2022

Frank Gaglione was in a bad car accident with multiple broken bones, please pray for his salvation, upcoming surgery, and recovery

Silva Family | August 9, 2022

Shelly Stravato is having a procedure on her back Thursday (8/11)

Marie | August 8, 2022

Gina Cesario has an X-ray this Friday (8/12)

Marie | August 8, 2022

Please pray that I do not lose my house!

Jay | August 7, 2022

The Safford family as Ray’s dad suddenly passed away

August  4, 2022

A Christian woman I know, her daughter-in-law, and son are in need of better jobs

John | July 30, 2022

Laurie has been in the hospital for 20 days with severe COVID issues, including two blood clots. Please pray for healing and strength.

Nathan | July 27, 2022

Antonia has lung cancer, and needs salvation and healing

July 27, 2022

For six of my friends to be saved and baptized

Frankie | July 26, 2022

I am having bad abdomen pain, and after antibiotics I am still in alot of pain, and doctors do not know what is wrong

William | July 26, 2022

My dad Neal is really struggling at the VA hospital. Please pray for God to heal his trauma and for God’s provision.

Annmarie | July 20, 2022

For some of my family members who have COVID

Charlene | July 17, 2022

For Richard and Shelly as Shelly has another procedure on her back

Marie | July 17, 2022

Please pray for the Liards, Scungios, and Gianna as they have upcoming tests 

Marie | July 17, 2022

Praise: My brother had a successful surgery and is now doing well at home!

Joe | July 14, 2022

Pray that my blood pressure gets under control, and that the medications help

Cathy | July 13, 2022

Pray for my health from my car accident and my trials I’m currently facing

Jimmy | July 13, 2022

My friend Tony has cancer. Asking God for his salvation and for healing as he recovers from surgery, has more tests, receives radiation.

Crystal | July 13, 2022

That God would encourage me and my family

Samuel | July 10, 2022

My son Richard is struggling with drinking, and he to be saved

Cheryl | July 9, 2022

Praise: I am able to have surgery to alleviate my sciatica back pain

Tim | July 9, 2022

My brother, Jimmy, is having emergency heart surgery on 7/7. Please pray for his complete healing.

Joe | July 7, 2022

Please pray for my rheumatoid arthritis. My knees are really bad, and I have trouble walking 

Tanya | June 26, 2022

I am having terrible sciatica nerve pain, and I am at a very high risk for stroke

Tim | June 26, 2022

Larry continues to have fluid in feet; he has an echocardiogram scheduled in July

Marie | June 27, 2022

Art and Barbara as they both recover from surgery

June 22, 2022

Our grandson Luke is being admitted to hospital for a kidney infection

Carol | June 22, 2022

Edwin and Carolina need to be saved

June 22, 2022

Please pray that our ministry will grow and assist families academically

APEL Tutoring | June 17, 2022

Leonard’s father, Jim, is very ill with cancer and other conditions. Pray for wisdom for continuing care for him and Leonard’s mother.

Tammy | June 17, 2022

Vanessa’s health

Raquel | June 15, 2022

Successful business for spouse and financial stability

Anonymous | June 14, 2022

Please pray that my grandson and I fully recover from COVID

Frank | June 11, 2022

My father in law, Jim, is very sick with cancer and is hospitalized

Tammy | June 8, 2022

Matthew fell off a ladder and has serious injuries. Pray for healing for him and comfort for family.

Jenn | June 7, 2022

For our safety as we travel this week, and for the increased pain in my foot

Carol | June 6, 2022

For my parents health, and for my son to accept Jesus

Thomas | June 5, 2022

Junior Campers this week

June 5, 2022

My son and father have Covid, please pray for their recovery

Karen | June 2, 2022

For healing for my mom and I. My mom has cancer and is going through chemo, and I have several health concerns.

Christina | June 1, 2022

For Hageo’s health

Blanca | June 1, 2022

Drew Dunn is in the hospital with kidney stones

Julie | June 1, 2022

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13 + 14 =




9am Servicio en Español

9:30am Deaf Growth Group

11am Worship Service*

6pm Growth Groups
(not live-streamed)

6pm GRISM Bible Study

6pm GRIBT Kids AWANA Clubs


7pm Midweek Prayer Service*

*Services interpreted for the deaf




One of our goals as a church is to help you understand and apply God’s Word to your personal life.  We know that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out!  Weekly messages are posted online so you can watch and listen again and share with a friend.  Enjoy!